Orange on my mind

I was clearing off an old USB thumb drive to solve an Xbox emergency – EMERGENCY I tell you! – for my oldest son and came across a bunch of old chalk drawings from the past several years. Most were just doodles while playing outside with the kids; they joined in with many of them. Nothing overly special, just fun images that bring back memories of fun in the sun.


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New Vibrant Chalk Colors

Three Creatures

The Three Amigos

Went shopping yesterday and found a big set of vibrant sidewalk chalk… yea! No more bland pastels, at least for a while. The entire family had to try them out.

everybody dig in

Everybody dig in!

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Eat It

‘Eat It’

How come you’re always such a fussy young man? Don’t want no Captain Crunch, don’t want no Raisin Bran.

So I’m in a good mood after seeing “Weird Al” Yankovic in concert (and meeting him in person!) on Sunday. I decided to take a little inspiration from the show. Here is my take on ‘Eat It’ – oil pastels, took about an hour. Hmm… I wonder what song I should do next; so many choices.

Weird Al and Me

Yep, my childhood is now complete.

Chalk Alien and Plant

I really should avoid that oil spot.

There was finally a break in the rain today after going non-stop for the last week or two. Just enough time between running to a princess craft fair and birthday party to get in a quick chalk drawing. The newest sidewalk chalk colors were limited to a few rather bland pastels. Need to replenish our stock of vibrant colors.

Working on RAGBRAI chalk drawing

Only 2 weeks until Chalk the Walk 2013 and I’m starting to get excited! It’s truly going to be a family affair as the kids are going to have their own square this year. They are old pros after having helped me with last year’s square during the special Chalk the Walk event at RAGBRAI. Two of them – my oldest son (10) and daughter (5) – at any rate.

We planned our design on the car ride out. The only thing decided was that it would involve a bowl of fruit. How we came upon a bowl of fruit, I have no idea. As you can see by the pictures below, the finished composition didn’t really gel around a cohesive theme. But it sure turned out cute!

Purple Chalk Monster

Purple Chalk Monster holding Daddy (me)

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The UFOs Have Landed

Little Green Alien

“Hide the children, lock the doors, and always watch the skies – look out, here come the.. slime creatures from outer space.” Aww, he’s too cute (or stupid) to be threatening. I’m seeing Weird Al in concert this weekend and couldn’t resist quoting Slime Creatures from Outer Space for this post.

I was in a creature-drawing mood tonight, and this is where I ended up. I’m thinking a series is in order. “The UFOs have landed, and we’ll tell you where they are.” (Midnight Star – one of my faves)

Meet the Creative Floret mascot

Every site needs a mascot. Please welcome… Brock Lee? Captain Floret? Eek, I need to work on a name. It’s a first draft, perhaps better names will pop to mind later.

I started off trying to draw this by hand, but found out quickly that a broccoli floret is kind of like a rock… really hard to draw. So instead I gave a little Photoshop love to a picture of a floret. There are details I need to attend to, but I don’t mind the result.

Thank You sharpie

Why? What’s the significance? I DON’T KNOW!

“That is one mighty fine Thank You sign” you might be thinking to yourself. Or maybe you’re more captivated by the significance of it. “Whom is he thanking? Perhaps me? What did I do to deserve such accolades?!?” Whatever it is you are thinking, it’s all true. I’m thanking you personally… you deserve some recognition. You know what you did. Congratulations!

Or maybe it’s just a poster I whipped up (in my end-of-the-week tired state) for tomorrow’s PTO family fun night school event, using a giant black sharpie. Well, I’m day 4 into my drawing challenge, and so far I’ve posted one actual new piece of work, one doodle from a few months ago, and completely missed one day. While lame, I figured the poster counted. I need to pick less busy weeks for such challenges next time.

What the heck, I’ll throw in another digital drawing doodle. I kinda like the guy.

Digital Doodle Guy

If it brightened your day to think the poster really was a personal shout-out, ignore all that PTO stuff. You’re the best, thanks again. 🙂

Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me

Ever play Frogger? If not, get thee to an Aladdin’s Castle circa 1981 and come back after you’ve played it. Or if the YouTube searches of my children are any indication, it probably exists as a Minecraft mod. Alright, are we on the same page? Great.

Something was always a little off about the proportions of the flies compared to the frog in that game. Those suckers were HUGE!

Frogger vs Flies

Flies – the stuff of nightmares

The frog never seemed to have any issues eating them up, but somehow I don’t think that’s how things went down.

Drawing challenge day 2 complete. Might add more details later, but I managed to pull something together in a short period of time.

Trippy Wacom Practice

Day 1 of my week-long drawing challenge is off to a great start. I sketched out my design a day ahead of time. Got out the bristol board, blue pencils and ink pens – first time I’ve inked in years! Scanned everything in, cleaned things up and added color with Photoshop, and… I’m just not done. Turns out I’m having too much fun and want to give it more attention before posting. But I can’t let day 1 go down in defeat, so I’m cheating a little and posting something from a few weeks ago.

The above image is not the result of a bad acid trip, but rather a doodle that came about while practicing with my Wacom pen and Windows 8 tablet. If you spot the deep meaning in it, please let me know. My subconscious is probably trying to tell me something urgent.